Matt’s Story
At 19 years old I weighed over 300LBS and had just found out that I was pre-diabetic. I knew I needed to make a change and decided to pursue a degree in Dietetics from ASU to learn as much as I could about Human Nutrition & Behavioral Science.
As I began my studies and started to work on trying to lose weight I very quickly realized the amount of misinformation in my industry was out of control. I would read one website or study telling me to do one thing, followed by something completely different on the next page I opened. I went down the “wrong path” more times than I can count trying one fad diet after another.
After successfully losing over 100LBS I wanted to create a program for others that cut through all of the BS and helped people understand the truth behind weight loss. Hoodie Nutritional Coaching is exactly that.
I use evidence-based research to create a blueprint for each of my clients that outlines your transformation from start to finish. More importantly, though I work with you to help guide you through your transformation and the different scenarios and plateaus that you will encounter along the way.
My Approach to Coaching
The best way I can describe my program is as a "Nutrition 101 Course", but imagine the course is completely personalized to you. Everything we cover will be as it directly relates to your body, your hormones, your goals, and your day-to-day life!
The program begins with a 1 on 1 onboarding Call that usually takes around 60 minutes to cover your Nutritional Blueprint in detail and provides you with everything you need to be able to understand your transformation from Start to Finish! I fully encourage you to bring any questions you may have about Nutrition, Supplementation, or anything else to this call! Be ready to take notes!
All of my clients are also given a weekly check-in that they are required to fill out, think of this as your Weekly Homework! This not only acts as an additional form of accountability, but it provides me with the information needed to determine how to best help you progress week-over-week and prevent plateaus along your journey!
Between our daily communications and those weekly check-ins, I will decide whether or not to make adjustments and tweaks to your program each week moving forward. I will always explain to you the reasoning behind any adjustments that are made so that you not only continue to progress but understand the how and why behind things so that when I am out of the picture you still have a foundational understanding of how to maintain the progress we have made together for the rest of your life!
(BONUS: You also get a bunch of cookbooks, grocery lists & some other fun E-books to help you get things rolling!)
1 On 1 Coaching
$299 [Monthly]
+ Initial Onboarding Call (Yes! You will talk face-to-face with me!)
+ Fully Customized Nutritional Blueprint (Yes! It is actually customized for you!)
+ Macronutrients
+ Supplementation
+ Weekly Cardio Program
+ Initial Month of Ongoing Coaching
+ Weekly Client Check-Ins [you must complete a check-in each week]
+ Macronutrient adjustments
+ Supplementation adjustments
+ Unlimited Text & E-mail support
+ Additional PDFs
+ Matt Hoodie Low-Fat Cookbook Vol 1
+ Matt Hoodie Low-Fat Cookbook Vol 2
+ Matt Hoodie Low-Fat Cookbook Vol 3
+ Matt Hoodie Grocery Guide Vol 1
+ Matt Hoodie Grocery Guide Vol 2
+ Matt Hoodie Go-To Shake Recipes Vol 1
+ Matt Hoodie "Top 10 Nutrition Myths Debunked"
- You are encouraged to bring any and all questions related to Nutrition & Supplementation to this call. The people with the most questions see the best results!
- We will discuss your Nutritional Blueprint and explain the reasoning behind your Calories, Macros, Sodium, Water Intake, and any potential Supplements
- We will discuss and debunk many of the Myths in the Nutrition & Fitness industries. This is personally my favorite part since it will begin to make not only achieving your best physique possible, it will also make maintaining year-round finally seem realistic.
- This is incredibly beneficial to those who take advantage of it. Especially in the early phases, you will have a lot of questions regarding your nutrition, hunger, meal timing, etc
- Client Texts & E-mails are checked and responded as quickly as possible, and always within 24 hours. This side of my coaching is incredibly beneficial to those who take advantage of it. Especially in the early phases, you will have a lot of questions regarding your nutrition, hunger, meal timing, etc

Your Blueprint
Your Nutritional Blueprint is designed to lay out your entire transformation from Start to Finish. Nobody needs my help losing the first 5-10lbs, it’s the last 5-10 that always seem to be the most challenging. The reason for this is largely due to how your structure your approach from the beginning.
Your Blueprint will not only include: Macros, Fiber, Fluid, Sodium and Cardio Assignments for you to meet on a daily & weekly basis, it will also explain WHY we are aiming for these goals so that you can be confident in what you are doing each and every day.
All of my clients are also given Weekly Homework they must fill out & return to me each week. (Don’t worry, it only takes around 10-15 minutes) The purpose of your Weekly Homework assignment is to act as an additional form of accountability, but also to provide me with the information I need to determine how to best help you progress week-over-week all the way to the finish line. This is what allows us to break through any plateaus that come your way!

What Can You Expect From My 1 On 1 Coaching
+ The first thing we will do is sit down on a call to discuss your Nutritional Blueprint. Your Nutritional Blueprint will outline your: Calories, Macros, Sodium, Fluid & Fiber intake as well as Cardio Programming and Supplement recommendations for your transformation from Start to Finish!
+ We will discuss some of the most wide-spread myths in the Health & Fitness industry related to Weight Loss, Nutrition, Training, and Supplements with my Myth-busting Section which debunks some of the most widespread lies In the industry that are likely hold you back right now.
+ You will finally understand the why behind what you are doing, I’m 100% a believer In teaching rather than telling. My goal is never to keep someone as a client forever. Long-term success is about helping you understand why I am making the changes I make on a weekly basis so that you can continue to maintain the same progress we achieve together long after I’m gone.
+ I will never ask you to sign any contracts. It is my belief that if I have to use a contract to keep you as a client then the service I’m providing is not worth the money you’re paying. If that’s the case, nobody wins by sticking it out just because you spent the money already.
+ I am huge on communication & accountability! I give 100% of myself to my coaching and my clients, and I expect the same in return.
Is my 1 on 1 Coaching Right For YOU?
+ I do not write specific meal plans and I will not tell you what to eat. If you’re looking for a restrictive meal plan/meal prep I am NOT THE RIGHT FIT as a coach.
+ I will work with you to help you discover and, more importantly, understand how to eat the proper amount of calories, Carbs, Protein & Fats to not just reach your weight loss goals, but to help keep your Metabolism intact while you do
+ All coaching clients are required to fill out a check-in form each week, think of this as your weekly homework. It only takes about 10-15 minutes, and in addition to helping increase accountability these check-ins help to provide me with a clear picture of your struggles, your progress and allow me to determine when it is time to implement necessary changes to your program
+ My phone is open 24/7 for text communication and I encourage anyone who works with me to take full advantage of that. The clients who see the most success (and all of the clients you see in my transformation photos) are the ones who were willing to ask questions and communicate!
+ I intentionally limit the number of clients that I work with at one time so that I can give what I feel is an adequate amount of attention to each client. If I feel as though a client is not following through or holding up their end of the commitment I will not continue to work with you as I would much rather that coaching spot be filled by someone ready to make this change!
The beauty of my 1-on-1 coaching is that you will learn to create your own diet based on your body, situation & your goals. The specific dieting method provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to create and follow your very own diet based on the sale tools & calculations I used for my own weight loss and have used to help hundreds of other clients create their own success stories!
My phone is open 24/7 for text communication and I encourage anyone who works with me to take full advantage of that. The clients who see the most success (and all of the clients you see in my transformation photos) are the ones who were willing to ask questions and communicate!
I do not write specific meal plans and I will not tell you what to eat. If you’re looking for a restrictive meal plan/meal prep I am not the right fit as a coach.